Mozart à 2
Choreography : Thierry Malandain
Music : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Costumes : Jorge Gallardo
Light design : Jean-Claude Asquié
Created in 1997
Duration : 30 min
In 1997, Thierry Malandain premiered the piece Mozart à 2 on several Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart concertos. Throughout the piece, duets follow one another and relate romantic episodes in the context of a ball, a place propitious to celebration as much as revealing loneliness. The feelings’ changing structure is the best indicator of the extent of emptiness we are experiencing. The music carries the five couples, between passion and torment, and runs through the “Carte du Tendre” (Map of Tendre) elaborated by the great minds of the XVIIth century. On Mozart’s scores, this piece illustrates the gallant ideal borrowed from the lightness and sensuality of love as well as the more solemn pages testifying the pursuit of an unattainable absolute.
Press talks about it
« In Mozart à 2, we appreciated the risk, the depth, the originality and the inexhaustible visual expression of the body when it was driven by the greatest music and outstanding choreography.»
Diario de Noticias, Teobaldos
« The genius of the music is danced in very oniric pas de deux, overflowing with energy. These funny or pathetic variations on the couple perpetually keep the passion intact. In an endless renewal, the couples express the tender blossoming of a symbiosis, or show more temper and dramatic intensity. »
N.D, Le Progrès
Beethoven 6
Choreography : Thierry Malandain
Music : Ludwig van Beethoven
Sets and costumes : Jorge Gallardo
Costume making : Véronique Murat
Set making : Frédéric Vadé
Lights : François Menou
Created in 2019
Duration : 45 min
On the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth, Thierry Malandain creates a new ballet entitled Pastoral. The piece Beethoven 6 presents the part of this ballet choreographed on the 6th Symphony. This third encounter between Beethoven’s powerful and evocative music and Malandain’s grounded and musical dance highlights the ability of both artists to reconcile tradition and creativity with their common humanist ideals. Music is, as often, the main source of inspiration for Thierry Malandain. In doing so, the scenography is discreet to put emphasis on timeless choreographic writing and seeks to glorify the power of the dancing body, as well as the sensuality and humanity of the company’s twenty-two dancers.
« Our Pastoral invokes Hellenic Antiquity, as a place of nostalgia and resourcefulness, of the pain of an endless desire in the spiritual realm of infinity.»
Thierry Malandain
Press talks about it
“The result is an even more beautiful and appealing “ballet blanc” as it is beautifully danced. The artist has fulfilled one of his missions: he has created beauty.”
Ariane Bavelier, Le Figaro
“Embracing Beethoven’s timeless work, Malandain produces a rich and universal Pastoral, deliberately disconnected from a peculiar context or topicality, around the theme of harmony and beauty.”
Caroline Dehouck, ResMusica
“Thierry Malandain, far from mishandling Beethoven’s symphony, offers to it one of the most beautiful setting.”
Jean-Frédéric Saumont, Danses avec la plume
In the repertoire
The Seasons
To be premiered in November 2023, this new work brings together the celebrated Four Seasons by…

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